Alcoa Building Sculpture, 1969Details
Bark House in Finland, 1961Details
Bush and Clouds, ndDetails
Cars with Raindrops, Holmen Kollen, Norway, 1961Details
Cemetary in France, 1961Details
Construction Site, ndDetails
Crown Zellerbach Building, San Francisco, 1960Details
Fageol Ventilators, 1934Details
Finland Water Tower, 1961Details
Gas Tanks, 1927Details
Junk, 1935Details
Laundry Line, ndDetails
Mills College Amphitheater 2, 1920sDetails
Mills College Amphitheater, 1933Details
Mills College Amphitheater, 1920sDetails
Mount Hamilton Observatory, 1937Details
Oil Tanks, 1940Details
Old Wall, ndDetails
On Mount Rainier (horizontal), 1912Details
Pattern of a Door, 1957Details
Reflection at Sudbury Hill, England, 1960Details
San Francisco Shoreline, 1957Details
Sculpture at Zellerbach Plaza, 1964Details
Shredded Wheat Factory 2, 1928Details
Shredded Wheat Factory 3, 1928Details
Shredded Wheat Factory, 1928Details
Shredded Wheat Tower, 1928Details
Signal Hill, 1928Details
Stairs and Stairs at Merrie's, 1959Details
Stairway in the Old Art Building, Mills College, 1920Details
Sycamore Trees, 1949Details
Tree at Donner Pass, 1925Details
Clouds, 1932Details